Categories: Game newsPublished On: 2022-11-01 21:25:02
Categories: Game newsPublished On: 2022-10-23 07:31:20
A World of Warcraft player dropped two of the rarest mounts in the game on the same day. With a drop chance of less than 1% per mount, this player may be one of the luckiest players in World of Warcraft history. Most WoW players and mount collectors know how difficult it is to acquire the Invincible and Headless Horseman mounts. World of Warcraft player Lyzosu showed off on a Reddit forum after acquiring both mounts on the same day. Invincible is known as one of the rarest mounts in World of ... -
Categories: Game newsPublished On: 2022-10-23 07:22:41
World of Warcraft: Age of Dragons content update coming November 29th! All players come to explore the new map, the Dragon Islands, play the role of the first racial professional combination Dragon Hill Evoker, rely on the newly launched Dragon Control Technique to soar in the sky, and experience more exciting game content. Players can take on the role of the Dragon Hill Evoker, the first racial-professional combination in World of Warcraft, to stun enemies (or inspire allies) with the drag... -
Categories: Game newsPublished On: 2022-10-23 07:21:11
The second round of server mergers for Lost Ark is scheduled to begin on October 12, and will receive new names after the server merger. Last time, the server consolidation took a long time, so the team noted that we should be prepared to see another potentially long downtime. The regions for this merger are Western Europe and South America.The regions for this merger are Western Europe and South America. The downtime will begin on October 12 at 12AM PST / 9AM EST, with four affected server... -
Categories: Game newsPublished On: 2022-10-23 07:20:35
Recently, the Elder Scrolls team held a special Fall of Brittany event where they took a deep dive into the that goes live for everyone, and how players can get the Song of Fire DLC for free. OtherFiresong DLC, which was released in November. They've rounded up all the highlights, including the prelude elements of this year's DLC and story content, including returning characters, will be fused with political intrigue and conflict, on the floor, Galen Island and how the Druids and their... -
Categories: Game newsPublished On: 2022-10-23 07:19:54
Brimstone Sands has officially landed on New World on October 18th, following a new aspect introduced by Amazon Game Studios in a preview update: The Greatsword. This imposing new weapon is officially live, and it's full of sneak peeks into new desert content and some of the episodes you might encounter. For Greatsword's design, the key factors were its versatility, as well as its size. Because this is a giant sword. The New World team wanted to create something that looked fancier, over... -
Categories: Game newsPublished On: 2022-05-18 22:43:42
World Craft – TBC Gold Grinding Spots I’ve been playing World of Warcraft for about a year with different characters. There didn’t seem to be enough gold to do what I wanted to do. I consider myself an average player which means I’m not completely WoW-addicted but I play about 5-10 hours per week. Until a few weeks ago I had about 1,800 gold but I didn’t buy my Epic Mount and it cost 5,000 gold. I tried to figure out how to make another 3,200 gold and finally started thinking about buy... -
Categories: Game newsPublished On: 2022-05-08 11:20:04
LATEST - WoW Classic TBC Phase 5 is coming soon The final phase of WoW Classic TBC, Phase 5, is just around the corner! This phase will feature the iconic Sunwell Plateau raid, Quel'Danas zone, and Magister's Terrace dungeon. While it has no official release date just yet, the schedule so far suggests its release date will land around Tuesday, June 16th. Phase 5 Phase 5 will include Quel'Danas (zone), Magister's Terrace (5 man), and Sunwell Plateau (25 man). This massiv... -
Categories: Game newsPublished On: 2022-04-16 08:27:49
We are a company from the UK. At present, we have received a large number of users asking XMMOMALL to imitate us and send a lot of spam in the game. According to the requirements of the current users, the relevant legal affairs department formally brought a lawsuit against them. We do not place orders on this website. Safety and reliability will be guaranteed, and we will not be held responsible. Please screen and purchase carefully, please look for MMORPGMALL,If you find a malicious website, ... -
Categories: Game GuidesPublished On: 2022-03-22 23:14:36
Over 260 million RuneScape accounts have actually been developed given that it was released in 2001. That's a great deal of players adventuring inside this dream MMORPG, which can make it intimidating if you're simply beginning. Unless, that is, you have an overview to assist you via. Before you can study Gielinor you'll need to register. Right here you can make a RuneScape account-- all you need is a valid email address, date of birth, as well as a screen name. From there, you can download and...