The day after Lost Ark arrived on Steam it peaked at concurrent players, knocking CSGO off its position to take the record for Steam's alternate-loftiest all- time peak. (PUBG remains number one.) That said, in recent weeks the number of blatant bots wearing the same outfits and following the same paths between hunt givers — occasionally blinking from place to place or indeed taking lanes through walls — has grown. Amazon Games blazoned it was banning over a million accounts for running bots before this month, but they can still be seen in mecca areas like Luterra Castle and Prideholme.
Lost Ark's western interpretation does not yet contain everything the current Korean interpretation has, with further additions due to be rolled out in the coming months. For starters, we are getting further plot and windup conditioning in March, and beyond that further of the advanced classes are coming. That seems to have been delayed, still a recent tweet on the sanctioned Lost Ark account says,"we are presently making adaptations to our forthcoming content roadmap grounded on player progression data. We'll be participating an streamlined roadmap following our March update."